Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Regarding the Kobe/MJ debate, I wish Kobe would grow his hair out like in the old days sometimes. The basis for this wish is that I like the way Kobe looked with his hair grown out. If you shave a dog or a rabbit of all its hair, the psychological effect is that they appear to be more sinister and cold-blooded than usual. But, it will be argued, Kobe self-identifies as a snake, and snakes don't have hair. But ah! imagine if they did; they would be twice as dangerous. It can also be argued that Kobe desires that merciless, sinister, cold-blooded aspect as yet another weapon in his arsenal. My only objection to this is, I liked how he looked with his hair grown out, because you could imagine patting him on the head after a brilliant game and he would nuzzle your hand like a cat. Those were the days. Unless they're that one kind of hill Christian, people don't go around patting snakes on the head for a reason. Reason must play a central role in today's society.